FIG. 2.
Density probability distributions obtained from Gibbs ensemble (left) and canonical ensemble (right) simulations at T = 1.30 (top) and 1.36 (bottom) for Nt = 5500 and ρt = 0.316 (vertical dashed lines). The unsorted density distributions for boxes I and II in the GEMC simulations or the left and right halves of the box in the canonical simulations are shown as red and blue lines, respectively. The sorted density distributions for the GEMC boxes and the half boxes in the canonical ensemble with the instantaneously lower and higher densities are shown as magenta and cyan lines, respectively. The diamonds of the corresponding colors show the averages obtained from unsorted and sorted density distributions. The black lines and circles show the Gaussian peak fits to the cumulative DPDs and the corresponding centroids.

Density probability distributions obtained from Gibbs ensemble (left) and canonical ensemble (right) simulations at T = 1.30 (top) and 1.36 (bottom) for Nt = 5500 and ρt = 0.316 (vertical dashed lines). The unsorted density distributions for boxes I and II in the GEMC simulations or the left and right halves of the box in the canonical simulations are shown as red and blue lines, respectively. The sorted density distributions for the GEMC boxes and the half boxes in the canonical ensemble with the instantaneously lower and higher densities are shown as magenta and cyan lines, respectively. The diamonds of the corresponding colors show the averages obtained from unsorted and sorted density distributions. The black lines and circles show the Gaussian peak fits to the cumulative DPDs and the corresponding centroids.

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