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Particle image velocimetry of the unstable capillary flow of a micellar solution
In Special Collection:
Shear Banding
Arturo F. Méndez-Sánchez; Jóse Pérez-González; Lourdes de Vargas; J. Rafael Castrejón-Pita; Alfonso A. Castrejón-Pita; Guadalupe Huelsz
J. Rheol. 47, 1455–1466 (2003)
Rheo-SINDy: Finding a constitutive model from rheological data for complex fluids using sparse identification for nonlinear dynamics
Takeshi Sato, Souta Miyamoto, et al.
Learning a family of rheological constitutive models using neural operators
Deepak Mangal, Milad Saadat, et al.
Linear viscoelasticity of nanocolloidal suspensions from probe rheology molecular simulations
Dinesh Sundaravadivelu Devarajan, Rajesh Khare