An attachment for a standard torsional rheometer based on the sliding plate geometry is described which can measure the dynamic shear rheological properties of small samples with total volume on the order of 5–25 μl. The overall error is found to be 1.86% in measuring the dynamic viscosity and 4.04% in the storage modulus when compared to data collected with standard geometries for three fluids: a Brookfield oil, a high density polyethylene melt, and a paint base. It is found that there is an optimum gap between the sliding plates and surface tension can influence the results particularly for the lower viscosity Brookfield oil. This  attachment is most useful for fluids which can degrade with repeated moulding, as must be done when preparing samples for the standard attachments, and may be used to determine various shear properties of suspensions including: large amplitude true dynamic shear properties, yield stress, and time‐dependent viscosity.

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