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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 69,
Issue 2,
March 2025

Focus and Coverage

The Journal of Rheology is a vital resource for researchers working in fields as diverse as polymer physics and fluid mechanics. It presents experimental results, phenomenological models, and microscopic theories dealing with the rheological behavior of complex materials, including macromolecular, colloidal and particulate solids, and fluids. Application areas include foods, paints, plastics, lubricants, ceramics, coatings, glaciers, and biological fluids.

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Most Recent
Research Article
Jalal Abdolahi, Dominic Robe et al.
The formulation of waterborne coating fluids composed of colloidal particles interacting with associative polymers as rheology modifiers is a complex multiscale problem with competing design ...
Research Article
Andrey V. Subbotin, Alexander N. Semenov
The stable shapes and structure formation in prestretched threads of a weak soft polymer gel with permanent cross-links under the action of capillary forces are studied theoretically here. Two cases ...
Research Article
Hiroshi Mizunuma
In a capillary tube flow, if the wall shear stress τw and apparent shear rate 4V/R are given, the viscosity reduces to the viscosity τw/(4V/R) at a dimensionless intermediate radius ra* (≡ra/R) of ...

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