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The Society of Rheology

Rheology, a branch of mechanics, is the study of those properties of materials which determine their response to mechanical force. The word rheology was coined in the 1920's to represent the science of the deformation and flow of matter, and The Society of Rheology was officially formed on December 9, 1929.

Recent Articles
Research Article
Maurizio De Micco, Gaetano D’Avino et al.
The rheological characterization of complex liquids is of great importance in many applications. Among the properties that can be measured, the relaxation time has great relevance, as it provides a ...
Research Article
G. Esposito, Y. Dimakopoulos et al.
We investigate theoretically the buoyancy-driven motion of a viscous drop in a yield-stress material, incorporating elastic effects represented by the Saramito–Herschel–Bulkley constitutive equation. ...
Research Article
Daniel Ashkenazi, Kiet Pham et al.
Determination of the rheological properties and the interfacial structure–property relationships for complex fluid–fluid interfaces can be of crucial importance for the understanding of physiological ...

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The Regular Membership of The Society of Rheology includes those scientists whose work and interests lie within the field and includes physicists, chemists, biologists, engineers, and mathematicians.

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