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Reviews and Tutorials in Numerical Methods, Verification, and Validation in Plasma Physics

This topical section includes manuscripts whose primary focus involves new numerical methods for plasma physics. These articles describe novel numerical approximations of theoretical plasma models, plasma simulations that harness the power of hardware advances, and advanced techniques for processing data from plasma experiments and simulations are welcome. Besides making an advance in the field, suitable articles demonstrate the method’s utility in plasma applications. Examples include modern data processing methods, integrate tokamak modeling, deep learning, and validation metrics.

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A. Caldarelli; F. Filleul; R. W. Boswell; C. Charles; N. J. Rattenbury; J. E. Cater
I. Joseph; Y. Shi; M. D. Porter; A. R. Castelli; V. I. Geyko; F. R. Graziani; S. B. Libby; J. L. DuBois
Brian K. Spears; James Brase; Peer-Timo Bremer; Barry Chen; John Field; Jim Gaffney; Michael Kruse; Steve Langer; Katie Lewis; Ryan Nora; Jayson Luc Peterson; Jayaraman Jayaraman Thiagarajan; Brian Van Essen; Kelli Humbird
Francesca Maria Poli
P. J. Morrison
C. Holland
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