In Memory of Edward E. (Ted) O’Brien
Ted O'Brien, Late Professor Emeritus of The Department of Mechanical Engineering at The State University of New York at Stony Brook, is considered a legend in fluid mechanics, particularly in the fields of turbulence and reactive flows. Throughout his career, he made fundamental contributions to the spectral theory of reactive scalars, analyzed the consequences of passive scalar tagging using Corrsin's "backward Lagrangian diffusion" concept, and contributed to the interpretation of Kraichnan's "direct interaction approximation" (DIA) for turbulent mixing. His other areas of interest included PD Functional and Function methods, the EDQNM spectral closure and the "amplitude mapping closure" (AMC) for scalar mixing, and the DNS and LES of compressible flows. To honor him, this special topic is devoted to a collection of modern papers in his fields of research.
Guest Editors: Cesar Dopazo, Peyman Givi and Foluso Ladeinde