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Rare nuclear transition provides evidence for supernova mechanism

31 January 2020

With its higher-than-expected propensity to capture electrons, neon could drive some stars’ thermonuclear death.

The lives of the universe’s most massive stars end when they collapse under their own gravity to form a neutron star or a black hole and shed their outer layers in a supernova. (See, for example, the article by Hans Bethe, Physics Today, September 1990, page 24.) However, for smaller stars in the range of 7–11 solar masses, gravitational collapse may not be the only possible route to supernova. If reactions in their neon- and oxygen-rich cores generate sufficient energy to counter gravitational collapse, those stars can expire in thermonuclear explosions, leaving behind a white dwarf remnant. Theory suggests that the core’s 20Ne nuclei could provide that energy by capturing electrons in a reaction that ultimately releases gamma radiation and heats the core. But because that nuclear reaction occurs only in stellar conditions, its rate is difficult to determine. Now a team led by Oliver Kirsebom (now at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada) and Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo (Technical University Darmstadt in Germany) has determined experimentally the rate at which 20Ne captures electrons. The rate is higher than assumed by stellar evolution models, and it could imply that thermonuclear explosion is the common end for many of our galaxy’s stars.

Supernova simulation.
The colors in this simulation of a star of 7–11 solar masses going supernova represent the explosion’s electron fraction (ye), a measure of the matter’s neutron richness. The lowest fraction achieved is below 0.4, which is lower than that in the explosions of more massive stars. Credit: S. Jones et al., Astron. Astrophys. 622, A74 (2019)

At the temperatures and densities of the oxygen–neon stellar core, ground-state 20Ne changes to ground-state fluorine-20 after capturing an electron from the degenerate electron gas. To learn more about that transition, Kirsebom and colleagues studied the reverse process that occurs on Earth, in which radioactive 20F emits electrons and decays into 20Ne. At the University of Jyväskylä accelerator laboratory in Finland, the researchers bombarded carbon foil with 20F nuclei. They then measured the energy of each electron emitted by the nuclei that embedded in the foil. The researchers found that most decay events produced 20Ne in an excited state. However, 20Ne was produced in its ground state in about 1 in 250 000 events, a rate that should match that of the reverse process. Considering the extreme stellar plasma densities of about 109 g/cm3, electron capture should occur frequently—specifically, eight orders of magnitude faster than assumed in previous calculations.

Numerical simulations of stellar evolution that take into account the newly measured neon–fluorine transition rate suggest that the cores begin to generate heat earlier than predicted by previous models. Once the core heats, oxygen can ignite; if ignition happens earlier, the star can die via thermonuclear explosion. A better understanding of how convection affects energy transport in stellar cores will provide more detailed insight into the stars’ life cycles and the chemical products they contribute to our and other galaxies. (O. S. Kirsebom et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 262701, 2019; O. S. Kirsebom et al., Phys. Rev. C 100, 065805, 2019.)

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