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January 1955
ISSN 0031-9228
EISSN 1945-0699
In this Issue
News and Views
Enrico Fermi 1901–1954
Physics Today 8 (1), 9–13 (1955);
The untimely death of Enrico Fermi on November 28th deprived the world of one of its most brilliant and productive physicists. The following remarks by three of Fermi's friends and colleagues were made on the occasion of a memorial service held on December 3rd in the University of Chicago's Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Samuel K. Allison, professor of physics and director of the University's Institute for Nuclear Studies, presided at the ceremony.
Yukawa Hall and modern physics in Japan
Physics Today 8 (1), 14–16 (1955);
Experimental physics research in Japan was all but crushed by the war and its aftermath, but with much intensity of purpose and devotion to their science Japanese physicists have turned to theory and are creating one of the world's foremost centers of modern theoretical physics.
Radio Receiver Design. Part I, Radio Frequency Amplification and Detection
Physics Today 8 (1), 18–20 (1955);
We Hear That
Calendar of Events
The lessons learned from ephemeral nuclei
Witold Nazarewicz; Lee G. Sobotka
FYI science policy briefs
Lindsay McKenzie; Jacob Taylor