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Accelerator experiments are closing in on neutrino CP violation
It’s starting to look like neutrinos and antineutrinos aren’t exact mirror images of each other.
Designer proteins act as logic gates
Controllable protein–protein interactions modify the behavior of a yeast cell and a human T cell.
Transportable atomic clocks achieve laboratory precision
When deployed in field-based experiments, the devices could improve timekeeping standards and test fundamental physics.
Issues and Events
Universities overcome bumps in transition to online teaching
Instructors grapple with how to administer exams that meaningfully assess students, suppress cheating, minimize anxiety, and preserve privacy.
COVID-19 pandemic modeling is fraught with uncertainties
Policymakers face a plethora of predictions on how the disease will proceed and when it might resurge.
Viscous electron fluids
Advances in materials science have made it possible for electrons in metals to exhibit exotic hydrodynamic effects.
Neutron scattering for structural biology
Modern neutron sources illuminate the complex functions of living systems.
Majorana qubits for topological quantum computing
Researchers are trying to store robust quantum information in Majorana particles and are generating quantum gates by exploiting the bizarre non-abelian statistics of Majorana zero modes bound to topological defects.
New Products
Philip Warren Anderson
Alvin Virgil Tollestrup
Quick Study
Fruit photonics and the shape of water
To microwaves, grapes are resonant, spherical blobs of water.