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Antihydrogen gives way to spectroscopic study
For the first time, researchers have probed the energy difference between two orbital states of an antimatter atom.
Supercooled water survives in no-man’s-land
A “stop-motion” crystallization experiment laid bare the liquid’s behavior in a temperature range that was once considered inaccessible.
Semiconductor metamaterial fools the Hall effect
A structure made entirely out of an n-type semiconductor can mimic some properties of a p-type semiconductor.
Issues and Events
Fates of two big radio dishes hang in the balance
Although still productive, the facilities must find alternative funding to avoid being sacrificed for new cutting-edge telescopes.
Citizen observers chart Arctic change
Researchers are increasingly partnering with local residents to obtain climate and environmental data. But the endeavor calls for interpersonal savvy.
Effort in asteroid defense under way despite funding constraints
A US interagency program is refining methods of deflecting asteroids as it works toward finding tens of thousands of undetected near-Earth objects.
High-energy-density science blooms at NIF
The weapons facility is exploring phenomena found in brown dwarfs, the cores of “super Earths,” new phases of carbon, and other extreme environments.
How did a scientific Siberia turn into AstroBoulder?
Boulder, Colorado, grew to become an important science center in part because nearby mountains provided an excellent spot for solar observation. But local scientists’ connections to the Northeast establishment and some clever PR didn’t hurt.
In referees we trust?
The imprimatur bestowed by peer review has a history that is both shorter and more complex than many scientists realize.
A bridge between undergraduate and doctoral degrees
Initiated in 2013, the American Physical Society Bridge Program has assisted more than a hundred underrepresented racial and ethnic minority students to pursue PhDs in physics.
Cavity Optomechanics: Nano- and Micromechanical Resonators Interacting with Light; Quantum Optomechanics
New Products
Ralph J. Cicerone
David Ritz Finkelstein
Edward Joseph Lofgren
Quick Study
Dynamics of a human spiral wave
With a few simple instructions, participants at the Atlanta Science Festival mimicked a phenomenon that can have fatal consequences in biological systems.