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November 1954
ISSN 0031-9228
EISSN 1945-0699
In this Issue
News and Views
A physicist at Oxford and Cambridge
Physics Today 7 (11), 6–9 (1954);
Seen above as a visiting don at Oxford, the author has since returned to the Brookhaven National Laboratory physics department. He is the author of the book. Pile Neutron Research (Addison‐Wesley Publishing Co., 1953).
“Mi casa es la suya”
Physics Today 7 (11), 10–15 (1954);
A visiting professor of physics at the University of Puerto Rico during the last academic year, the author describes the hospitable island of Puerto Rico, a territorial possession of the United States, as a combination of home and foreign country. The above view of the University campus at Mayagüez looks west along the palm‐shaded walk in front of the science building, which houses the physics department. Photo courtesy of the Alumni Association of the University of Puerto Rico.
Complex Variable Theory and Transform Calculus with Technical Applications
Physics Today 7 (11), 16 (1954);
A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity. The Modern Theories, 1900–1926
Physics Today 7 (11), 17 (1954);
Applied Electronics. A First Course in Electronics, Electron Tubes, and Associated Circuits
Physics Today 7 (11), 17–18 (1954);