Search and Discovery
A complex symmetry arises at a spin chain’s quantum critical point
The relation between the E8 Lie group and the mass excitations in the Ising model was predicted more than 20 years ago, but seeing it is an experimental coup.
Diffraction around the head makes hearers mislocate sound sources
When light is obstructed by a small sphere, diffraction creates a bright spot at the center of the sphere’s shadow. Psychoacousticians are studying the acoustic analogue of that bright spot.
Holograms tie optical vortices in knots
Using techniques from mathematics and optical wavefront engineering, researchers demonstrate that lines of zero intensity in a light beam can be shaped into links and loops of arbitrary topology.
Model sheds light on the language of color
The process by which human societies collectively decide which segments of the visible spectrum get their own names can be studied by computer simulation.
Issues and Events
New neutron source aims to be top in energy and environmental stewardship
From windmills to green roofs, the European Spallation Source may be setting a trend for major scientific facilities.
Roundtable participants find near-consensus on free access to results of publicly funded research
Publishers and subscribers urge agencies to freely distribute scientific journal articles based on federally sponsored research.
ArXiv survival tied to new funding model
Publishers and subscribers urge agencies to freely distribute scientific journal articles based on federally sponsored research.
Physics in China
In its range and depth, physics in China is much like physics in other big, technologically advanced countries. The historical, political, and social contexts, however, are China’s own.
Universal insights from few-body land
The ability to tune atomic interactions has inspired theorists and experimentalists to investigate those properties of few-particle systems that hold universally, regardless of the specific nature of the interparticle force.
Ultracold neutral plasmas
By ionizing cold atoms or molecules with a laser, researchers get a glimpse of one of nature’s extreme regimes, in which many usual rules and approximations no longer apply.
Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control: The Long Road to Three-Phase Traffic Theory
New Products
Frank James Low
Quick Study
Slow antihydrogen
The quest to precisely compare cold antihydrogen and hydrogen atoms should enable physicists to test our understanding of one of reality’s fundamental symmetries.