Search and Discovery
Carefully timed radio pulses sustain quantum phase
After subtle modifications, a technique borrowed from nuclear magnetic resonance can suppress the bane of quantum information processing: decoherence.
Balloon-borne telescope resolves cosmic far-IR background into starburst galaxies
Their distribution of redshifts manifests the falling cosmic rate of star formation since its heyday some two billion years after the Big Bang.
Meteor trails track upper atmospheric winds
An old technique gets a makeover using radar that combines high power and interferometry.
Resonant radio waves rotate tokamak plasma
An experiment at MIT’s Alcator tokamak has demonstrated a technique that could make fusion plasma easier to confine.
Issues and Events
US photovoltaics industry may be too small for Obama’s big solar energy plans
But a government-industry consortium might provide a boost for US PV manufacturers.
Marburger calls for a new academic field of study in ‘the science of science policy’
Science adviser to George W. Bush says researchers, models, and decision tools could bring more rationality to science budgets and policies.
Austria averts CERN withdrawal
Probing stars with optical and near-IR interferometry
New high-resolution data and images, derived from the light gathered by separated telescopes, are revealing that stars are not always as they seem.
Auralization of spaces
Being able to determine and re-create what a room sounds like is useful not only in concert halls and opera houses but also in classrooms, houses, and virtual reality.
Plasticity and toughness in bone
Our bones are full of microscopic cracks, but the hierarchical character of the bones’ structure—from molecular to macroscopic scales—makes them remarkably resistant to fracture.
Air-Ice-Ocean Interaction: Turbulent Ocean Boundary Layer Exchange Processes
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Rogue waves
Rich and challenging physics lies behind the gigantic ocean waves that seem to appear without warning to damage ships or sweep people off rocky shores.