Efficiency and environmental effects in the oil sands of Alberta
Efficiency and environmental effects in the oil sands of Alberta
Integrated approach for efficient buildings
Evaluation by citation: An imperfect system
One thing Wheeler didn’t do
On Wheeler and fission
Search and Discovery
2009 Nobel Prize in Physics honors developments in information technology
The new laureates helped lay the foundation for today’s flourishing fields of optical communication and digital photography.
Three crystallographers share this year’s chemistry Nobel
The ribosome is a massive molecule that decodes genes to make proteins. In 2000, three independent groups determined its structure with atomic resolution.
Sensitive cantilevers detect the persistent currents in normal-metal rings
A torque magnetometer can measure the currents with a precision two orders of magnitude greater than is possible with the usual tool of choice, a superconducting quantum interference device.
New technique probes structural elements of folded chromosomes
Chromosomes in a cell nucleus aren’t randomly arranged. Studying their twists and turns reveals organization on several length scales.
Physics Update
Issues and Events
JET gets new wall to prep for ITER
An elaborate, remote-controlled revamping of JET has begun.
Augustine panel urges more autonomy for NASA
Congressionally imposed restrictions limit NASA managers’ capacity to streamline operations.
DOE names winners of long-shot energy research grants
Billions of dollars will flow into “smart grid” projects.
News notes
Lighting and astronomy
The rapid growth of light pollution threatens the future of astronomical observation. Detailed modeling of how light from the ground propagates through the atmosphere suggests ways to limit the damage.
Charles Sanders Peirce and the first absolute measurement standard
In his brilliant but troubled life, Peirce was a pioneer in both metrology and philosophy.
Stiff-string theory: Richard Feynman on piano tuning
In a letter to his piano tuner, the great theoretical physicist talks about how the nonzero stiffness of piano strings affects tuning, and he conjectures that piano tuners may need to pay more attention to ear-created harmonics.
The Sun Recorded Through History: Scientific Data Extracted from Historical Documents
New Products
William Conyers Herring
Herbert Frank York
Quick Study
What causes road noise?
Scientists understand the individual characteristics of roads and tires that contribute to tire-pavement noise. Nonetheless, engineering a quiet ride remains a challenge.