Search and Discovery
Two groups measure the quasiparticle charge of the fractional quantum Hall state
After finding the expected value of e/4, experimenters hope next to uncover the state’s true nature and verify its suitability for quantum computation.
Electric-field gradient sorts molecules according to their shape
Physically distinct but chemically identical molecules can have different electric dipole moments and therefore can respond differently to an inhomogeneous electric field.
Collider data show evidence for a meson made of four quarks
It’s not obvious from quantum chromodynamics what sorts of unusual mesons and baryons experimenters should expect.
Issues and Events
Scattered countries revive hope for european spallation source
In realizing the European Spallation Source—which even in its scaled-down form would be the world’s strongest neutron source—the partner nations hope to forge mechanisms for multinational decision making.
Revamped grants program offers R&D funds for ‘critical national needs’
The Technology Innovation Program replaces the controversial Advanced Technology Program for supporting high-risk R&D projects.
Lawmakers fret over health, safety impacts of nanotechnology
As Congress reauthorizes the National Nanotechnology Initiative, groups petition the Environmental Protection Agency to step up its regulation of nanomaterials.
Feature Article
Comets and the early solar system
The material in comets hasn’t changed much over the past few billion years. Spacecraft that were sent to image, probe, and sample passing comets offer a unique look back in time.
Probing physical properties at the nanoscale
With the interaction between a sharp tip and a surface tailored using combinations of static and time-dependent external fields, scanning probe techniques can image far more than topographic structure.
The strategic offense initiative? the soviets and star wars
Historians of the Cold War have paid too little attention to Soviet fears of “space-strike weapons”—that is, possible offensive uses of President Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative.
Applications of Synchrotron Radiation: Micro Beams in Cell Micro Biology and Medicine
Galaxies in Turmoil: The Active and Starburst Galaxies and the Black Holes That Drive Them
New Products
Boris Valerianovich Chirikov
John Morgan Greene
Quick Study
Brown dwarfs: Failed stars, super jupiters
The recently discovered brown dwarfs that bridge the gap between giant planets and hydrogen-fusing stars are enabling unique insights into low-temperature atmospheres, star and planet formation, and the properties of our galaxy.