Randomness and strong disorder
Search and Discovery
Experiment demonstrates quantum entanglement between atoms a meter apart
Quantum entanglement can't be mimicked by classical objects. That's what makes it at once so problematic for philosophers and so promising for computer scientists.
New sheet structures may be the basis for boron nanotubes
The triangular boron lattice has too many electrons, and the hexagonal lattice has too few. But a hybrid of the two is just right.
Physics Update
Issues and Events
Animation uses old physics to new effect
Achieving visual realism with physically based simulations while taming the result to fit artists' imaginations is the goal in animated filmmaking and gaming.
CERN's fix-it man
As director general of CERN, Robert Aymar has perhaps the most visible job in particle physics today.
Sandia heads up new nanoengineering institute
Preparing students to work in teams that cut across disciplines and research sectors is a key aim of Sandia's latest educational program.
The rubidium atomic clock and basic research
The vapor-cell atomic clock finds application today in the global positioning system and telecommunications. To improve and miniaturize the humble device for future applications will require a deeper understanding of atomic and chemical physics.
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering
The remarkable 14-order-of-magnitude signal enhancement that can occur during Raman scattering from molecules on metallic nanostructures turns the normally weak inelastic-scattering effect into a single-molecule spectroscopic probe.
Beyond the nuclear shell model
Nuclear theorists are working to develop a comprehensive understanding of all nuclei. To achieve that goal, they'll need continuing advances in computational power along with data from new and challenging experiments.
A real-world plan to increase diversity in the geosciences
Supersymmetry and String Theory: Beyond the Standard Model and Supersymmetry: Theory, Experiment and Cosmology
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Subtle differences in the questionnaire can have large effects on the outcomes of a survey.