Luminous and dark formations of intergalactic matter
Recent advances in astronomical observation have added greatly to our store of information about the visible universe, but they have also led to a great increase in the number of unanswered questions concerning the distribution and nature of distant galaxies.
While ferromagnetic materials have been used for centuries, little has been known of the reasons for their behavior. New advances in ferromagnetic research have done much to explain why these substances act as they do.
An Annotated Bibliography of Selected References on the Solid-State Reactions of the Uranium Oxides
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Visiting Scholars
Physics and the Fulbright Program
AEC Semiannual Report
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National Science Foundation
Federal Research and Development Survey
Graduate Students in Science
Survey Says More Could Be Accepted
AIP Officers
New Executive Committee Named
Alpha, Alpha, Alpha
A Letter to the Editor
Laboratories; Summer Courses
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American Physical Society
1953 Annual Meeting at Harvard
Laboratory Teaching
Discussed at AAPT Annual Meeting
Radio Engineering
New England Meeting in Connecticut
Industrial Research
Conference at Columbia in June
College Physicists
Colloquium to Hear Condon
Microwave Optics
Symposium at McGill University