The Kelly Committee Report… a summary
The release of this favorable report on the National Bureau of Standards, shortly and fortuitously preceded by the official reinstatement of Dr. Astin as NBS Director, mercifully rings down the curtain on a show that should never have opened. It also provides a crisp analysis of the problems confronting a Federal agency that does not receive adequate funds for support of its authorized programs.
Some personal experiences in the international coordination of crystal diffractometry
An article based on Professor Ewald's address as Retiring President of the American Crystallographic Association at its meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 24, 1953.
Physics and Medicine of the Upper Atmosphere A Study of the Aeropause
News and Views
Fundamental Particles
Symbols Proposed at Bagnères Congress
Jeffries Committee Upholds NBS
AD‐X2 Declared to be Without Merit
123 NSF Awards Announced
In Physical and Biological Sciences
Zernike Awarded Nobel Prize
For Discovery of Phase Contrast
Translations Pool
Established at Crerar Library
AEC Unclassified Contracts
37 Awarded for Physical Research
Radiation Research
New Journal to Appear Shortly