Free nuclear induction
Unusually clear measurements of the time precession of nuclear magnetic moments and other properties of nuclei have become possible with the development of the free induction “spin echo” technique in the still new science of nuclear magnetic resonance.
Dislocations and plastic deformation
Small and exceedingly rare defects in the structure of solids are the “weak links” that determine the strength of materials. The article reviews some fundamental concepts concerning plastic deformation in certain ductile metals.
Hypergeometric and Legendre Functions with Applications to Integral Equations of Potential Theory
News and Views
Federal Funds for Science
NSF Estimates for 1954 Fiscal Year.
The Kelly Committee Reports
Increase Urged in NBS Funds.
Electron Microscopy
Bibliography in Preparation.
Letters to the Editor
Third Summer Session at Les Houches.
National Science Foundation
3rd Annual Graduate Fellowship Program.
Research Corporation Grants
Foundation Lists New Awards.
New AEC Contracts
47 Awarded for Physical Research.
Authors, Note!
Addendum for AIP Style Manual.
We Hear That
Ionization Phenomena in Discharges
Conference at Clarendon Laboratory.
High‐Altitude Laboratories
Joint Commission Meeting in Denver.