Physics Update
Search and Discovery
X-Ray Absorption Lines Probe the Missing Half of the Cosmic Baryon Population
Cosmologists believe that half of all ordinary matter in the present epoch is hidden as a web of highly ionized intergalactic gas. An x-ray analog of the Lyman α forest of redshifted ultraviolet absorption lines promises to reveal that missing matter.
A New Look at Electrons in Water Clusters Solves a Longstanding Riddle
Influenced by cluster size and temperature, an electron can attach to the surface or be trapped internally.
What’s Making Earth Hum?
New evidence suggests that winter storms over the oceans provide the energy that sets Earth freely oscillating at its fundamental frequencies.
Issues and Events
Undergraduates Assemble Neutron Detector
Spreading the construction of a detector across several institutions brings project visibility to participants.
Missing Magazines Highlight Staff Distrust of Los Alamos Management
After an annus horribilis at Los Alamos, the atmosphere at the lab is still uneasy.
A Small Puzzle from 1905
In his first relativity paper, Einstein made one erroneous prediction. Although it should have been withdrawn when he generalized the theory to include gravity, the original error has received surprisingly little attention.
Extreme Nonlinear Optics: Coherent X rays from Lasers
Ultrashort laser pulses can generate even shorter bursts of coherent soft x rays. The technology now makes it possible to manipulate atoms on attosecond time scales to create designer wavefunctions.
Teaching Biological Physics
Biological physics courses can serve a variety of students, among them life-sciences students who need to understand the role of physical principles in the world of biology.