Search and Discovery
Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope Locates a Single Electron Spin Inside a Glass Slab
With further improvements, the technique could ultimately determine the structures of isolated biomolecules and disordered materials.
Removing Nodes in a Network Can Protect Against Cascading Failures
Can a mathematical idealization of network behavior be adapted to real systems?
New Experiments Highlight Universal Behavior in Copper Oxide Superconductors
Similar patterns of spin fluctuations and charge ordering in different compounds suggests that these features are intrinsic to the cuprates.
Publish-or-Perish Perspectives: Dividing Coauthors, Valuing Referees, Taming Expectations
Publish-or-Perish Perspectives: Dividing Coauthors, Valuing Referees, Taming Expectations
Publish-or-Perish Perspectives: Dividing Coauthors, Valuing Referees, Taming Expectations
Publish-or-Perish Perspectives: Dividing Coauthors, Valuing Referees, Taming Expectations
Issues and Events
Court Rules Against 10 000-Year Radiation Safety Standard at Yucca Mountain
Saying the Environmental Protection Agency “unabashedly” ignored a National Academy of Sciences report on future radiation levels at the facility, a US appeals court sends the radioactive waste problem back to Congress.
US Physics Teachers Volunteer in AIDS-Ravaged Zambia
With a small grant and a good idea, a group of Virginia physics teachers is working in a remote area of Zambia to prevent physics education from becoming a victim of the AIDS pandemic.
Life’s Universal Scaling Laws
Biological systems have evolved branching networks that transport a variety of resources. We argue that common properties of those networks allow for a quantitative theory of the structure, organization, and dynamics of living systems.
I. I. Rabi and the Birth of CERN
CERN was created in part to help restore a great European scientific tradition. But the establishment of a European laboratory also advanced US scientific and foreign policy aims.
A TeV Linear Collider
An accelerator capable of colliding electrons with positrons at energies approaching a trillion electron volts tops the particle physicists’ wish list. It would have to be 30 kilometers long.