Search and Discovery
Remotely Sensed Neutrons and Gamma Rays Reveal Ice beneath the Martian Surface
Recent observations could clarify the fate of water that once flowed on Mars.
Observing the Cosmic Microwave Background at High Resolution Bolsters the Inflationary Big Bang Scenario
The angular resolution of the new Cosmic Background Imager is fine enough to reveal, for the first time, the primordial seeds of galaxy clusters.
Reference Frame
University Research Funding: More than Supporting the Best to Do the Best
University Research Funding: More than Supporting the Best to Do the Best
Issues and Events
Science and Technology Are a Focus of Debate on New Homeland Security Department
Congress, the administration, and a National Research Council committee have come up with myriad ideas for creating a department of homeland security, but just what role science and technology will play is unclear.
European Space Science Stretches Lean Budget
To save its science missions, ESA will follow a more rigid schedule and forge closer cooperation with national space agencies.
New Criteria for Determining Interagency R&D Budgets
Since the early days of the Bush administration, OMB officials have warned that tighter rules for funding interagency R&D programs were on the way. The rules have arrived, and they cover applied and basic research.
Recipe for LHC Success: Subtract Other Science, Add Accountability
CERN has begun implementing accounting and organizational changes and is slashing programs that do not directly support the Large Hadron Collider.
Sinks for Anthropogenic Carbon
We have learned much about the workings of natural sinks like the oceans and terrestrial plants, but are just beginning to understand how their behavior might change as atmospheric CO2 concentrations rise.
Superconducting Magnets Above 20 Tesla
Superconductors are key components of magnets that generate homogeneous, low-noise, and extremely stable high fields. Further increasing the strength of these fields will require meeting a number of technological challenges.
The Early History of Quantum Tunneling
Molecular spectra, electron emission from metals, and alpha decay provided fertile ground in the 1920s for applying the new ideas of quantum mechanics.