Search and Discovery
Two Realization Schemes Raise Hopes for Superconducting Quantum Bits
Researchers have extended by two orders of magnitude the time over which two-state superconducting systems maintain phase coherence.
Slowly but Steadily, Fermilab Pushes the Upgraded Tevatron toward Its Design Goals
The lab is confident that its revamped accelerator, although currently behind schedule, will produce proton–antiproton collisions at the promised rate.
Issues and Events
Science Board Says US Leadership in R&D Strong, but Faces Growing Foreign Competition
Federal funding of life sciences at the expense of basic research in the physical sciences and engineering could eventually erode the premier position of US science.
Stellarator Fusion Gets a New Look
Symmetry has rekindled interest in stellarators as a possible path to fusion energy.
Enrico Fermi in Rome, 1931–32
A Nobel laureate recalls the two semesters he spent as a postdoctoral fellow with the boys of Via Panisperna, led by the young Enrico Fermi.
Enrico Fermi and Quantum Electrodynamics, 1929–32
A review article that Fermi wrote in 1932 taught an entire generation of physicists how to think about quantum electrodynamic effects in atomic phenomena.
Enrico Fermi in America
Fermi emigrated surreptitiously from fascist Italy by way of Stockholm, where he received the 1938 Nobel Prize. A few days after his arrival in America came the portentous news of uranium fission.
An Excursion with Enrico Fermi, 14 July 1954
Rising above it all in the French Alps, four colleagues had an adventurous afternoon.