Physics Update
Search and Discovery
Novel Heavy-Water Detector Unveils the Missing Solar Neutrinos
Two thirds of the solar neutrinos confidently predicted by models of how the Sun works come to Earth disguised in altered flavors.
Atoms Hop between Islands of Regular Motion in a Sea of Chaos
Collections of ultracold atoms a recontinuing to prove their worth as systems for studying the interface between quantum behavior and nonlinear dynamics.
Experiments Detail How Powerful Ultrashort Laser Pulses Propagate through Air
Thanks to self-focusing, laser pulses can be launched upward into clouds where they can be used to measure pollutants.
Issues and Events
Spanish Physicists Hungry for Fresh Infusion of Jobs, Money
Tighter ties between research and industry, money for basic science, and jobs, jobs, and more jobs are needed to continue strengthening physics in Spain.
Past Science Advisers Counsel Bush Nominee
John Marburger’s selection as the presidential science adviser was widely praised within the scientific community, but the importance the administration places on science remains uncertain.
A Phase Odyssey
Phase measurement permeates modern science. New propagation-based alternatives to interferometry are providing increased opportunities for phase measurements using x rays, electrons, neutrons, and other waves.
Turbulent Heat Flow: Structures and Scaling
Geometrical structures and scaling behavior provide insights into the nature of convective turbulence and some risky generalizations about “complex systems.”
A Physicist with the Air Force in World War II
Plucked out of graduate school after Pearl Harbor, a young physicist designed specialized slide rules for military aircraft. Trying them out aboard B-29s in the war against Japan, he had some hair-raising adventures.