Physics Update
Physics and National Security: Of Missiles, Mines, and Morality
Search and Discovery
Cosmic Microwave Observations Yield More Evidence of Primordial Inflation
Whether you look at relics from three minutes after the Big Bang or from 400 000 years later, you find the same meager value for the cosmic abundance of ordinary matter.
Feedback Tames Chaotic Surface Chemistry
With a single parameter as a tiller, surface scientists can steer a model catalyst away from chaos toward regimes of regular, repeating behavior.
Magnetic Forces Need Not Apply: Bose–Einstein Condensates Can Be Made in an Optical Trap
Researchers have found a way to make a BEC that is quicker, possibly simpler—and applicable to a wider variety of atoms.
Solid Acids Show Potential for Fuel Cell Electrolytes
Solid acids can have high proton conductivities. Recent experiments demonstrate that they may be sufficiently stable to form the core of new, higher efficiency fuel cells.
Issues and Events
Scrounging Old Equipment for New Experiments
Word of mouth is the best bet for scrounging scientific equipment.
Nations Tackle Nuclear Terrorist Threat
Lax controls on nuclear materials and a thriving black market are alarming officials.
Time-Resolved Macromolecular Crystallography
Rapid x-ray characterization of structure and innovative ways of initiating and controlling reactions are shedding new light on protein function by enabling the visualization of macromolecules in action.
Diffusion on Semiconductor Surfaces
Atomic-resolution imaging techniques show that a good deal of surface physics can be understood with elementary statistical mechanics, but some surprisingly complex behaviors occur even in simple systems.
The Nobel Laureate Versus the Graduate Student
John Bardeen, the leading condensed matter theorist of his day, was quite wrong when he dismissed a startling prediction by the unknown Brian Josephson.