Physics Update
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Search and Discovery
New Conventional Superconductor Found with a Surprisingly High Tc
Magnesium diboride, a black powdery material you can buy off the shelf for less than $2 a gram, turns out to be a superconductor.
Have We Glimpsed ‘New Physics’ in the Muon’s Anomalous Magnetic Moment?
A g-2 measurement at Brook-haven’s muon storage ring shows a small but tantalizing disagreement with the standard model.
X-ray and γ-ray Holography Improve Views of Atoms in Solids
New developments make possible the imaging of light atoms and the removal of image distortions.
Issues and Events
Goldin Maps NASA’s Past, Present, and Future
With his future as NASA’s chief still uncertain, Goldin insists the agency must continue to take bold risks.
Boehlert Seeks Stronger Voice for Science on Capitol Hill
The new House Science Committee chairman is a moderate Republican who is focusing on renewable energy, science education, and environmental issues.
Position Paper Ponders Planning for US High-Energy Physics
A new HEPAP White Paper urges adequate utilization of existing facilities and timely planning for new ones.
The Physics Job Market: From Bear to Bull in a Decade
In their December 1993 Physics Today article, Kirby and Czujko described the job market for young physicists as bleak. What a difference eight years makes!
Preparing Physicists for Life’s Work
Physics departments are exploring ways to turn out students well matched to today’s—and tomorrow’s—job opportunities.
So You Want to Be a Professor!
You’ve finished your PhD. You’re almost done with your postdoc. Now what? If you aim to stay in academia, read on.
Attracting and Retaining R&D Talent for Defense
As the defense sector turns the corner on a decade of budget cuts, turmoil, and uncertainty, the outlook for meaningful long-term employment for scientists is brightening.