Physics Update
Search and Discovery
Spacecraft Probes the Site of Magnetic Reconnection in Earth’s Magnetotail
For the first time—and quite byy chance—a spacecraft has directly encountered one of the most important energy conversion mechanisms in the solar system.
Spectra of the Most Distant Quasars Elucidate the Reionization of the Cosmos
Half a million years after the Big Bang, almost all the hydrogen in the cosmos was neutral. When and how did it all get reionized?
Buckyball Crystals Made to Superconduct at 117 k
By slipping molecules between C60 spheres in a crystal, researchers have raised the critical temperature as high as those of many copper-oxide superconductors.
Issues and Events
Legislation to Revive OTA Focuses on Science Advice to Congress
In an era of tight budgets and shrinking programs, it will be difficult to reestablish the Office of Technology Assessment, once a small, highly regarded office that provided science advice to Congress.
Bell Labs Research Regroups as Parent Lucent Shrinks
With Lucent Technologies in meltdown, many researchers mournfully predict the demise of Bell Labs. Lab leaders, however, maintain they will stay at the forefront of research.
Physics and Archaeology
Physics-based techniques are yielding more accurate dates for our prehistoric ancestors, profoundly affecting our understanding of the past.
The Little Machines That are Making it Big
Microelectromechanical systems are currently used in a variety of applications, including triggering airbags and measuring the Casimir force. In the future, they may revolutionize the way we think about machines.
The Manipulation of Single Biomolecules
By monitoring the response of individual protein and DNA molecules to pulling and twisting, biophysicists can learn much about their structure and their interactions.