Physics Update
Search and Discovery
Buckyballs Found to Superconduct at 52 K
Hole-doped carbon-60 crystals turn out to be better superconductors than their electron-doped cousins. And, if the critical temperature increases as the lattice expands, T c might even exceed 100 K.
Disappearing Atmospheric Neutrinos Don’t Seem to be Turning Sterile
Super-Kamiokande data strongly disfavor hypothetical sterile neutrinos as partners in the oscillation of neutrinos from cosmic-ray showers.
Issues and Events
NIF Moves Forward Amid Controversy
A task force finds no showstoppers in developing the National Ignition Facility’s laser system.
Enthusiasm Deepens for US Underground Physics Lab
A cross section of physicists has revived efforts to build a Gran Sassostyle underground facility in the US.
Science with Soft X Rays
Synchrotron radiation with photon energies at or below 1 keV is giving new insights into such areas as wet cell biology, condensed matter physics and extreme ultraviolet optics technology.
Does Accelerator-Based Particle Physics Have a Future?
We can’t just leave the design of frontier accelerators to the specialists. Inventing clever new ideas requires the same talents that it takes to do experimental physics.
The Intriguing Superconductivity of Strontium Ruthenate
Structurally, this metal oxide resembles the high-Tc cuprates, but its superconductivity is more like the superfluidity of helium-3.