Physics Update
Observant Readers Take the Measure of Novel Approaches to Quantum Theory; Some Get Bohmed
Search and Discovery
Experiments and Simulations Track Crack Propagation in Silicon Wafers
By careful design, researchers have devised a method by which observations and simulations of brittle fracture can be directly compared.
Two Experiments Observe Explicit Violation of Time‐Reversal Symmetry
For 35 years we've believed that some elementary processes can't quite run backward. Now, at last, we have direct evidence.
Nobelium‐254 Forms High‐Spin Rotational States
An experiment at the limit of feasibility finds that instead of decaying by fission or emission of alphas, an excited nucleus of element 102 stays together and rotates in an elongated shape.
Trapped Plasmas with a Single Sign of Charge
Plasma crystal is not a fanciful oxymoron, but something you can actually make with an easy‐to‐confine, long‐lived nonneutral plasma.
Block Copolymers—Designer Soft Materials
Advances in synthetic chemistry and statistical theory provide unparalleled control over molecular scale morphology in this class of macromolecules.
New Views of Neutron Stars
Satellites launched in the last ten years have proved to be powerful new tools for studying these compact stellar remnants. With them, astronomers have found remarkable new phenomena and solved several old mysteries.