Physics Update
Reference Frame
Terminology and Science Literacy Issues Extend the Debate on Revamping Science's Relation to Society
More on Marietta Blau and the Physicists of Pre‐, Postwar Vienna
Search and Discovery
Cosmic‐Ray Showers Provide Strong Evidence of Neutrino Flavor Oscillation
In the bowels of a zinc mine, 13 thousand phototubes keeping watch over 50 thousand tons of water have provided the strongest evidence yet of neutrino oscillation, and therefore of neutrino mass.
Strings May Tie Quantum Gravity to Quantum Chromodynamics
Might we learn more about the strong interactions by studying string theory? That's one possibility raised by recent work showing that string theories and gauge field theories are flip sides of the same coin.
Berlin–Heidelberg Group Reports Phase Transition in Glass at Millikelvins in Presence of Microtesla Field
Why should a microtesla field raise the dielectric constant of a glass at millikelvin temperature?
The Revealing Role of Pressure in the Condensed Matter Sciences
Experimenters can now change the densities of condensed matter by upward of an entire order of magnitude, and thereby impart dramatic changes in physical and chemical properties of materials.
A Surface View of Etching
Experiments conducted with scanning tunneling microscopes in ultrahigh vacuum reveal a fascinating, step‐by‐step picture of the etching process.
Self‐Trapping of Optical Beams: Spatial Solitons
Beams of light, prevented from diverging by nonlinear media, exhibit particle‐like behavior, as do waves in many other nonlinear systems in nature.