Physics Update
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New Measurements Constrain Models of Mantle Upwelling Along a Midocean Ridge
Magma flowing upward to form fresh crust along the axis of plate spreading does not appear to come exclusively from a narrow zone directly beneath the axis. Rather, molten material is distributed along the ridge in a region more than 100 km wide and over 100 km deep. Moreover, the melt zone is centered to one side of the axis—beneath the faster moving plate.
Microcalorimeters May Provide a Solution to the Big Problem of Small Contaminants
In a drive to help the US semiconductor industry, researchers are developing x‐ray spectrometers that will be able not just to identify any element in microscopic contaminants, but also to yield information about the element's chemical state.
The Physics of Ferroelectric Memories
The ability of ferroelectric materials to switch robustly from one polarization state to another forms the basis of a new thin film technology for storing data.
Trends in Electromechanical Transduction
The demand for more sophisticated sensors and actuators in industrial equipment and consumer products is behind today's push for new transducer materials and geometries.
Entanglement, Decoherence and the Quantum/Classical Boundary
Schrodinger intended his gedanken experiment of a hapless cat mortally entangled with a quantum trigger as a reductio ad absurdum. But nowadays such experiments are being realized in laboratories—without offending the antivivisectionists