Physics Update
Reference Frame
Relativistic ‘Reference Frame’ Leads to Another Skirmish in the Science Wars
Search and Discovery
Scanning Microscopes Probe Local Details of the Quantum Hall State
Researchers are finding ways to peer tens of nanometers below the surface of an insulator to image some properties of two‐dimensional electron gases.
Energy Budget of Deep‐Focus Earthquakes Suggests They May Be Slip‐Sliding Away
The mystery of what initiates earthquakes in Earth's mantle is as deep as ever, but the energetics of these events may help provide answers.
Shadows and Mirrors: Reconstructing Quantum States of Atom Motion
Quantum mechanics allows us only one incomplete glimpse of a wavefunction, but if systems can be identically prepared over and over, quantum equivalents of shadows and mirrors can provide the full picture.
Cosmic Rays, Nuclear Gamma Rays and the Origin of the Light Elements
Recent observations of Li, Be and B abundances in halo stars formed in the early Galaxy shed new light on the source of cosmic rays, suggesting acceleration from the ejecta of supernovae.
Quantum Theory without Observers—Part Two
The paradoxes of quantum theory can be resolved in a surprisingly simple way: by insisting that particles always have positions and that they move in a manner naturally suggested by Schrödinger's equation.