Physics Update
Tales of Bitter Magnetism: Frog Eggs, Blood Cells, Pigeon Feet, Metal Shreds and a Sore Head
Search and Discovery
Physics Nobel Prize Goes to Tsui, Stormer and Laughlin for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
In the 16 years since the totally unanlicipated discovery of the first of the fractional quantum Hall states, these intriguing quantum liquids have spawned a thriving cottage industry for theorists and experimenters.
Nobel Prize Honors Kohn and Pople for Methods of Quantum Chemistry
Quantum mechanics tells you how to solve molecular structure, in principle. Kohn and Pople, in different ways, made it possible in practice.
Two‐Dimensional Electron Gases Continue to Exhibit Intriguing Behavior
Researchers have taken a closer look at some funny structure noted years ago in the resistivity of a quantum Hall sample at low magnetic fields. The prevailing explanation for what they see is that the electrons are forming charge density waves.
Simple Ordering in Complex Fluids
Colloidal particles suspended in solution provide intriguing models for studying phase transitions.
El Niño Dynamics
Bringer of storms and droughts, the El Niño/Southern Oscillation results from the complex, sometimes chaotic interplay of ocean and atmosphere.
Fiscal Physicists
Physicists are among the select few individuals to be immortalized on banknotes.