Physics Update
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Particle Physics and the Everyday World, Grant Pie and the Future of Research
Exchange about News Story on Particles Ends in Photon Finish
Search and Discovery
Adrift on the Ice Pack, Researchers Explore Changes in the Arctic Environment
The first data to emerge from a yearlong measurement campaign near the North Pole seem to confirm earlier observations that the ice is thinning and that the Arctic Ocean's salinity distribution is changing.
Molecules Are Magnetically Trapped
A Harvard University team used a helium buffer gas to cool CaH molecules, and then trap them.
Exposing Life's Limits with Dimensionless Numbers
A crude device for quantification shows how diverse aspects of distantly related organisms reflect the interplay of the same underlying physical factors.
The World Wide Web and High‐Energy Physics
The Web—what you may now be using to buy an airline ticket or look up Miles Davis's discography—began life as a tool for improving the flow of information at CERN.
Superconductor‐Insulator Transitions in the Two‐Dimensional Limit
Increasing the disorder of an ultrathin superconducting film may produce a quantum phase transition at zero temperature to an insulating state.