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High‐Redshift Absorption Lines Show Convincingly that Gamma‐Ray Bursters Are Very Far Away
All of a sudden the long debate is over. Gamma‐ray bursters really do live halfway across the cosmos. Now we know that they are, for brief moments, the most luminous objects in the universe.
Metal–Insulator Transition Unexpectedly Appears in a Two‐Dimensional Electron System
When the temperature approaches 0 K, can a two‐dimensional electron system become a metal? Some recent experiments suggest it can.
Harness the Hubris: Useful Things Physicists Could Do in Biology
We tell ourselves that biologists need physicists and that biological materials present a big opportunity for physics, but then physicists and biologists don't train themselves to work together and learn from each other.
New Light on Quantum Transport
Atoms moving in an accelerating optical lattice exhibit quantum behavior such as Bloch oscillations, Wannier‐Stark ladders and tunneling—phenomena usually associated with electrons in a crystalline solid.
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
One can make opaque resonant transitions transparent to laser radiation, often with most of the atoms remaining in the ground state.