Physics Update
Search and Discovery
Finally a Gamma Ray Burster Shows Optical and X‐Ray Afterglows
We don't know whether the enigmatic gamma‐ray bursters are near or very far away. But now, at long last, we're beginning to accumulate vital clues at other wavelengths.
Can Phonons Squeeze their Way Into the Company of Photons?
The noise can be squeezed out of a light signal until it falls considerably below the quantum, or shot, limit. Now researchers are trying to use a similar trick to reduce the noise associated with phonons.
Radioactive Waste: The Size of the Problem
In 50 years of producing electrical power and weapons from nuclear fuel, the US has accumulated millions of cubic meters and tens of billions of curies of radioactive waste.
Nuclear Waste Disposal: The Technical Challenges
Public safety and billions of taxpayer dollars are at stake in the efforts to solve formidable technical problems associated with the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and defense waste.
Hazards of Managing and Disposing of Nuclear Waste
When we bury long‐lived nuclear wastes in geologic repositories, we have to worry about what may happen ten thousand—or even a million—years in the future.
Unresolved Problems of Radioactive Waste: Motivation for a New Paradigm
Having failed to achieve geologic disposal, the US should shift to a strategy of ongoing management and research.
Nuclear Waste Management Worldwide
Numerous countries around the world are tackling the task of managing nuclear waste. By considering their approaches, we gain a broader perspective on the US program.