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May 1997
ISSN 0031-9228
EISSN 1945-0699
Physics Update
Development of Fusion Power Seen as Essential to World's Energy Future; Critics Respond
John A. Schmidt; Ronald C. Davidson; Rush D. Holt; Farrokh Najmabadi; Mark Tillack; Lester Waganer; Steven Jardin; Clement Wong; Dai Kai Sze; Laila El‐Guebaly; Leslie Bromberg; L. John Perkins; David C. Montgomery; David E. Baldwin; Robert W. Conn; Francis F. Chen; Edwin E. Kintner; William E. Parkins; James A. Krumhansl; Chauncey Starr
Physics Today 50 (5), 11–92 (1997);
Search and Discovery
Michigan State Upgrade to Produce Intense Radioactive Ion Beams by Fragmentation Technique
Physics Today 50 (5), 17–19 (1997);
Very unstable nuclei produced at new facilities may yield insights into nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics concepts such as rapid proton capture in novas or rapid neutron capture in supernovas.
Physics Today 50 (5), 20–26 (1997);
The top quark, first seen just two years ago at the Tevatron, is uniquely heavy and short‐lived. But its virtual presence is felt in more familiar realms.
Duality, Spacetime and Quantum Mechanics
In Special Collection:
Quantum archive
Physics Today 50 (5), 28–33 (1997);
Widely disparate themes from several decades of theoretical physics have recently converged to become parts of a single story. The result is a still‐mysterious ‘M‐theory’ that may revise our understanding of the role of quantum mechanics.
Blending Education and Research in Atmospheric Science—A Case Study
Physics Today 50 (5), 34–39 (1997);
Everyone benefits when the students from a class on atmospheric measurement are drawn into a complex field project.
Washington Reports
At 50, Brookhaven Grapples with Radioactive Leaks and Search for New Director to Succeed Samios
Physics Today 50 (5), 45–48 (1997);
Physics Community
New Products
We Hear That
APS Prizes Presented in Washington
Physics Today 50 (5), 77–78 (1997);