Physics Update
Gatekeepers in Science Stifle Individual Creativity, Those in Legal System Should Study Science
A Fizz‐sics Solution: Use Limestone to Cure Lake's Problem
MAAD Scientists and Others Do Numerical Fracture Studies
Search and Discovery
In a Quantum Hall System, Is the Insulator Really a Conductor in Vortex Clothing?
Experimenters know something fascinating is going on when the I–V curve for a conducting phase—a property of the dynamics—falls right on the V‐I curve for an insulating phase.
Auger Project Seeks to Study Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
Whave no idea how protons can get accelerated to energies above 1020 eV, but they occasionally do. Existing air‐shower arrays have seen less than a dozen in 35 years.
Corona: The First Reconnaissance Satellites
Based on remarkable scientific and technical achievements, a series of 145 American spy satellites provided strategic information that helped stabilize East‐West relations during the cold war.
Stretch Genes
By unraveling individual DNA molecules under the microscope physicistsare learing about the elastic properties that are important to DNA's function.
String Theory Is Testable, Even Supertestable
Many believe that superstring theory, because of its extraordinarily tiny length Scale and gargantuan energy Scale, Cannot be tested. That belief is a myth.