Physics Update
Sociologists, Scientist Pick at Threads of Argument about Science
Search and Discovery
Hysteresis Steps Demonstrate Quantum Tunneling of Molecular Spins
When molecular spins in a crystal tunnel in lockstep under potential barriers, one sees not only a spectacular demonstration of quantum effects, but also the promise of magnetic information storage by individual molecules.
Experiment Signals a New Phase of Quantum Dot Measurements
Asophisticated experiment has measured the phase change in the electronic wavefunction as a charge crosses a quantum dot, a tiny, nearly isolated bit of conducting material. The phase change gives new information about the electronic interactions, previously studied only through measurements of the magnitude of the transmission.
Porous Silicon: From Luminescence to LEDs
With its tunable light emission, room‐temperature quantum efficiencies near 10% and increasingly efficient light‐emitting diodes, porous silicon may hold the promise of fully integrated optoelectronic devices.
The Discovery of the Risk of Global Warming
An accidental confluence of old interests and new techniques led a few scientists in the 1950s to realize that human activity might be changing the world's climate.
Physicists in Finance
Though the challenges of “quantitative finance” are diverse and often exhilarating, success for the erstwhile physicist is not at all assured. What factors are involved in making the transition to finance?