Quantum electrodynamics
“There is one thing I would be glad to ask you. When a mathematician engaged in investigating physical actions and results has arrived at his conclusions, may they not be expressed in common language as fully, clearly, and definitely as in mathematical formulae? If so, would it not be a great boon to such as I to express them so?—translating them out of their hieroglyphics, that we might also work upon them by experiment.”
The reproduction of sound
Sound reproduction has undergone many revolutionary changes since the invention in 1865 of Scott's phonautograph, shown in this Smithsonian Institution photo.
Briefly Noted
General Education in Science; Analysis and Design of Experiments; Elements of Mathematical Logic; Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics; Practical Analysis; Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integrals; Theory of Functions Volumes I and II; Concise History of Mathematics Volumes I and II; Tables of Functions and Formulae and Curves; Bessel Functions; Foundations of Nuclear Physics; Micro-Waves and Wave Guides; Introduction to the Differential Equations of Physics; Introduction to the Mechanics of Viscous Flow; Theory of Vibrations; The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory; Cosmic Radiation; Matter and Motion; The Principle of Relativity; Dissociation Energies and the Spectra of Diatomic Molecules; Polar Molecules; Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure; Theory of Sets; Foundation of High Speed Aerodynamics; Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences; Physics as a Career; Selection, Training, and Use of Personnel in Industrial Research; Index Translationum Volume 3; Laboratory Design for Handling Radioactive Materials; Fundamentals of Atomic Physics; NBS Handbook 48, Control and Removal of Radioactive Contamination in Laboratories; Total Eclipse of the Sun, June 30, 1954; Science and Nonscientists; Dover's Paper‐Bound Reprints; Industrial Research Personnel; International Index of Translations; Hot Lab Design; Atomic Physics; Radiological Safety; The Next Solar Eclipse.
We Hear That
News and Views
A Letter to the Editor
Physics Teaching in Secondary Schools
Physics Manpower Resources
Some Findings of the Scientific Register
Circular Nomograph
For Atomic and Weight % Interconversion.
New NSF‐Columbia Project
For Planning Russian‐English Dictionary
Caltech's Synchrotron
Electrons Accelerated to Record Energies
Aeronautical Structures
New Laboratory Established at Columbia
New Hopkins Astrophysics Lab
Modern APL Building Also Planned
High Altitude Research
The Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii; White Mountain Joint Support Program.
Radiation Research
A New Society is Organized
International; Government; Industrial.
IUPAP Executive Committee
June Meeting in Paris Reported
APS at Denver
Summer Meeting was the 314th
Meteorology and Geophysics
Joint Meeting in Chicago this Month
Noise Abatement
Symposium in Chicago
Society of Rheology
Annual Meeting in Philadelphia