The founding of the American Institute of Physics
The following talk was presented at the Banquet of the American Institute of Physics and the Member Societies in Chicago on October 25, 1951. Senator Brien McMahon, chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, also addressed the gathering.
A new consequence of electron diffraction
The remarks on the next page are those of C. J. Davisson, Nobel laureate physicist and pioneer in electron scattering and diffraction research, who spoke briefly to an audience of his former colleagues last October 24th on the occasion of a celebration in his honor held by the Bell Telephone Laboratories at Murray Hill, N.J.
Progress in heat pump engineering
The heat pump, essentially a refrigerator working in reverse, can be used to transfer heat energy from water, from air, or from the earth to heat buildings. It can also be used to cool buildings by transferring inside heat to the outside.
Physics in the Signal Corps
While the Signal Corps is primarily concerned with the problems of applied research and development, certain regions of basic physical research are also stressed in its laboratories.
The Applied Physics Laboratory Research Center
Created in 1942, the APL Research Center has been best known for the wartime development of the proximity fuze. Although applied research is emphasized, its work is based on its fundamental research programs.
Atomic Energy Levels, as Derived from the Analyses of Optical Spectra
We Hear That
News and Views
A Letter to the Editor
Visas for Visiting Scientists
Science and Foreign Relations
A State Department Headache
National Science Foundation
First Annual Report Submitted to Congress
Atoms into Plowshares
Arco and Harwell Use Reactor Heat
College Enrollment
Decline Less Severe Than Predicted
Scientific Instruments
Record Sales Expected During 1952
New Research Reactor
Developed by North American for the AEC
Reactor Technology
ORSRT Students Must Apply by March 1
Meteorology and Oceanography
Fellowships Available at NYU
Training in Statistics
Post‐Doctoral Awards Available
ASTM Honors Gillett
Memorial Lecture to be Given Annually
Optics in the Windy City
OSA's Thirty‐Sixth Annual Meeting
Gaseous Electronics
Annual Conference of Electron Physics
Electron Emission
APS Division of Electron Physics Meets
Physics Teaching
The AAPT Meeting in Chicago
Mechanics Colloquium
Eight Monthly Lectures at Illinois Tech
URSI‐IRE Spring Meeting
At National Bureau of Standards
Nonferrous Analysis
Spectrographers to Meet in May
Desert Research
Symposium in Israel
Molecular Structure
Symposium at Ohio State in June