Microwave spectroscopy
A new and rapidly expanding field of research, microwave spectroscopy was practically nonexistent before World War II. Some of the consequences of the research that microwave radar developments made possible are discussed below.
Improvements in the precision of beta‐ray spectroscopy
The beta‐ray spectrometer discussed in the following pages has recently been completed at the California Institute of Technology. It is shown in cross section on the cover.
The isotope effect in superconductivity
The following article, based on a paper given at the May meeting of the American Physical Society in Washington, describes a recently discovered phenomenon in the behavior of superconducting elements.
Briefly Noted
Symmetry; Extension and Dissemination of the Electrical and Magnetic Units by the National Bureau of Standards
News and Views
Scientific Manpower
A Federal Policy is Born
Industrial Physics
Columbia Reports Team Research Study
AIP Placement Service
At Cambridge APS Meeting Next Month
Radio Astronomy
Harvard Observatory Program Announced
Nobel Prize in Physics
1952 Award Shared by Bloch and Purcell
Franklin Institute Awards
Thirteen Scientists Honored
Commercial Atomic Power
Industry Takes a Long Hard Look
New Research Facilities
Walter Kidde Nuclear Laboratories; Battelle Laboratories at Frankfurt, Geneva; Nuclear Physics Labs at NRL.
National Science Foundation
Grants in Support of Basic Research
Education; Industry
We Hear That
Gaseous Electronics
Annual Conference at Princeton
Physics Research Techniques
International Conference in Brazil
Meetings to be held
Neutron Cross Sections; Chemical and Spectrographic Analysis