Reference Frame
What Problems of Physics and Astrophysics Seem Now to be Especially Important and Interesting?
Putting to Rest Mass Misconceptions
Fusion in a Solid: A Pump Primer
Search and Discovery
Ultrafast Reaction Dynamics
With new laser techniques and with gas phase and molecular beam experiments, it is now possible to determine the ultrafast motion in isolated chemical reactions—chemistry on the 10−13‐second time scale.
Chemical Dynamics in Solution
Recent advances in ultrafast lasers and in theory have made it possible to study on the molecular level the major role played by the solvent in chemical reactions.
Dynamics of Confined Molecular Systems
By modeling restricted geometries with well‐characterized porous silica glasses, experimenters can determine a single geometric parameter that relates finite‐size effects to observed dynamic and thermodynamic behavior.
Hole‐Burning Spectroscopy of Glasses
This two‐photon spectroscopy technique yields quantitative measures of the distribution functions for local variables such as the dipole moment and the compressibility. It may also provide a means to enhance the capacity of optical memories.