Reference Frame
Search and Discovery
Flavor SU(3) Symmetries in Particle Physics
Anyone who understands quantum mechanical harmonic oscillators can understand the role and significance of the flavor symmetries of the standard model.
Making Weapons, Talking Peace
A nuclear physicist and adviser to four Presidents, the author reflects on the development of nuclear weapons, the creation of a new lab to rival Los Alamos and the negotiation of the elusive comprehensive test ban treaty.
100 Years of Photoemission
A century of scientific struggle has given us powerful photoemission spectroscopies for probing electronic structure and has brought us to the threshold of great advances based on new, high‐brightness sources of synchroton radiation.
Washington Reports
CLEO '88 To Be Held In Anaheim
The eighth Conference on Losers and Electro‐Optics will feature technical sessions on laser technologies and applications, awards and the year's largest exhibit of laser and electro‐optical equipment.