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October 1988
ISSN 0031-9228
EISSN 1945-0699
Reference Frame
SSC: Essential Science or Unnecessary Expense?
Robert E. Marshak; Lels L. Larson; Michael J. Glaubman; Daniel M. Smith; Steven Weinberg; John F. Waymouth
Physics Today 41 (10), 13–120 (1988);
Search and Discovery
The Birth of the Laser
Physics Today 41 (10), 26–33 (1988);
The idea of generating coherent radiation at optical frequencies was conceived in late 1957; by the end of 1960 there were five realizations of the laser idea.
How the Military Responded to the Laser
Physics Today 41 (10), 36–43 (1988);
A “cash and crash” approach and interservice competition led to a premature shift of emphasis from research and exploration to development and scaling‐up.
Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics
Physics Today 41 (10), 46–52 (1988);
A highly nonlinear response, even to weak laser light, turns photorefractive crystals into self‐pumped phase‐conjugating mirrors that can unscramble a scrambled image.
Medical Applications of Lasers
Physics Today 41 (10), 56–63 (1988);
Lasers can reshape corneas, pulverize gallstones, ream arteries and kill tumors. Their increasing use in medicine is spurred by new technology and better understanding of the interaction of laser light with living tissue.
Washington Reports
Physics Community
We Hear That
New Directions in Physics: The Los Alamos 40th Anniversary Volume
Physics Today 41 (10), 96–97 (1988);
New Products
News from APS
The lessons learned from ephemeral nuclei
Witold Nazarewicz; Lee G. Sobotka
FYI science policy briefs
Lindsay McKenzie; Jacob Taylor