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September 1986
ISSN 0031-9228
EISSN 1945-0699
Reference Frame
Search and Discovery
The Plasma Universe
Physics Today 39 (9), 22–27 (1986);
A model based on the emissions and behavior of the most prevalent material in the universe leads one to view the world as an active and rapidly changing place, and helps one analyze the development of its components.
Setting New Directions in Physics Teaching: PSSC 30 Years Later
Physics Today 39 (9), 30–34 (1986);
The famous high‐school physics course sought to excite students and prepare them for life in a technological society; three decades after its inception, it has also taught us important lessons about educational innovation.
Maria Goeppert Mayer: Atoms, Molecules and Nuclear Shells
Physics Today 39 (9), 44–49 (1986);
The mathematical physicist's early work in atomic and molecular physics, and her unfamiliarity with the “fashions” in nuclear physics, gave her the ideal preparation for solving the puzzle of the nuclear “magic numbers.”
Washington Reports
Physics Community
New Products
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character
Physics Today 39 (9), 61 (1986);
The Theory of Magnetism II: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Physics Today 39 (9), 62–64 (1986);