Search and Discovery
Metal‐Semiconductor Interfaces
The mixing of atoms at boundaries produces regions with distinctive properties; the resulting combinations have a wide variety of uses—from smaller microelectronic devices to new, exotic composite materials.
Von Kármán: Fluid Dynamics and Other Things
He was one of the pioneers of aerodynamics, contributing the concepts of vortex streets and explaining the sand ripples in the desert, and he practically invented consulting.
Reviving the Spirit of Enterprise: Role of the Federal Labs
Since a 1983 report of the White House Science Council recommended strengthening the role of Federal laboratories in America's R&D, progress in transferring technology has ranged from impressive to modest. Congress is accelerating the action.
Reflections on the 1974 APS Energy Study
A participant in a study made in the wake of the oil‐price surges asks: Have the events of the past decade vindicated the study's conclusion that greater well‐being does not require more energy?