Search and Discovery
Lightwave Telecommunication
High‐speed semiconductor lasers transmit billions of bits of data per second to sensitive solid‐state detectors through ultra‐low‐loss glass fibers more than a hundred kilometers long.
Advances in Semiconductor Lasers
Diode lasers are providing coherent monochromatic light for an enormous variety of applications, including fiber‐optic communications, audio and video recording systems and aligning structures and tunnels.
Laser Linewidth
Detailed theoretical and experimental study of the quantum effects that limit the spectral purity of lasers has led to semiconductor lasers whose output is highly monochromatic and coherent
Quantum Wells for Photonics
New techniques for growing semiconductors with alternating ultrathin layers llow one to produce materials with made‐to‐order electro‐optic properties and otential uses such as optical modulators and solid‐state photomultipliers.
Radionuclide Releases from Severe Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants
Releases for many accidents are now predicted to be much lower than previously calculated, but an APS study group cautions against extending that conclusion to all scenarios.