SDI: Political Realities
Search and Discovery
Niels Bohr
An album of photographs of Bohr at work and at home
Bohr's First Theories of the Atom
Bohr's early work on atomic models reveals the method that served him so well: Identify failures of theory and exploit them, even if that means departing from ordinary concepts.
Niels Bohr as Fund Raiser
Bohr's dealings with the Rockefeller Foundation were decisive in bringing about the successful reorientation of his institute from atomic to nuclear physics in the 1930s.
Bringing the News of Fission to America
The news of this discovery reached America in January 1939; notwithstanding communication problems, Niels Bohr succeeded in protecting the priority of Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch's interpretation of the experiment.
Niels Bohr, the Man
His mode of doing physics, “man to man” as in a tennis match, his insights into quantum theory and indeterminacy, and his work for an open world were all infused by his principle of complementarity.